Saturday, June 21, 2008

Government forms Space Cell

To counter the growing threat to “our space assets”

India wants to utilise space for peaceful purposes

It will act as a single window for the armed forces

NEW DELHI: The government on Monday announced the formation of a Space Cell under the Integrated Defence Services Headquarters here to counter “the growing threat to our space assets.”

Justifying the formation of the cell, Defence Minister A. K. Antony said at the United Commanders’ conference that India wanted to utilise space for peaceful purposes and remained committed to non-weaponisation of space. However, “offensive counter space systems like anti-satellite weaponry, new classes of heavy-lift and small boosters and an improved array of military space systems have emerged in our neighbourhood.”

Setting at rest inter-ministerial wrangling over representation, the government said the Space Cell would act as a single window for the armed forces, the Department of Space and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

Defence Informatics Centre

Simultaneously, the government also approved the setting up of a Defence Informatics Centre on the lines of the National Informatics Centre to cater to the e-governance needs of the armed forces, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and other associated organisations. A panel of experts would seek to synergise all IT-related matters in the MoD, the three Services and various organisations.

The two-day conference is focusing on issues pertaining to the ongoing process of “jointness” among the three services, higher defence management and a conceptual way forward. Among those attending the conference are Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee, and Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta; Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Fali H. Major; Chief of the Army Staff Gen. Deepak Kapoor; Defence Secretary Vijay Singh; Chief of Integrated Service Command H.S. Lidder; and commanders and senior officers from the service headquarters and the MoD.

On the security challenges in and around the country, Mr. Antony said the security situation in Jammu & Kashmir and the North East had improved. “We will have to keep a constant vigil and intensify our efforts to ensure conduct of free and fair elections in an atmosphere of peace,” he said.

Referring to the frequent requests from State governments for the deployment of Army to aid the civil authorities to tackle law and order problems, the Minister said, “This is not a good and healthy development in a democracy.” Requests for the deployment of the armed forces should come from the State governments “only as a last resort when all other options have failed.”

Turning to service conditions in the armed forces, the Minister said the government was alive to the expectations of the services in regard to the Sixth Pay Commission Report. Mr. Antony announced a special grant of Rs. 10.21 crore as compensation for the loss of personal property of 1,021 armed forces personnel during the December 2004 tsunami.

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